Tuesday, June 30, 2015

A Tainted Selfie...

Remember me mentioning that I met Lawrence Gilliard Jr (Bob from The Walking Dead), at Walker Stalker Con in Orlando last weekend? He took a selfie of us (and one of my Bob's BBQ quilt) with his own personal phone - and today he posted the selfie to his Instagram!

He is such an extremely nice guy! It was terrific getting to meet him!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am a humongous lurker, i don't think I have ever left a comment because I just don't know how to log in and not look unknown 😝 anyhow I'm @mamitadolls on ig and I am so sad you have gone. I hope you come back latter and I am happy to know I can still see some of your art in here, mayne not the full punch by punch but the finished piece. Anyways, just wanted to let you know that even if others are making you feel at your worst (even if it's me too) don't pay attention because you're awesome!
