Sunday, January 4, 2015

Rotten and cuddly, just the way I like it...

I'm still able to get a little more sewing done from the bag of fabric I nabbed from my last quilty-meal.... I was very excited to find all of that awesome Riley Blake fabric - didn't expect to find a cuddly little monster inside, but here she is!

At least I will have something to keep me company in between meals now. Its a lonely life being a zombie quilter. I try to make friends, but it never seems to work out. I'm not sure if it's my smell.... eu de rotten flesh isn't really in style these days, or maybe it's something else. Quilters can be a fickle bunch, maybe it's my sewing skills.... quilt snobs suck.

Several of you have asked if there are other zombies near me...  oh yes, the world is FULL of zombies these days! You don't seem convinced.... ok smarty, YOU give me another explanation for Justin Bieber? Some people have the resources and funds to purchase top quality make-up, thats all. I seriously think that has been the deal with Madonna for years.

And what about the quilter universe? Are there other zombie quilters out there? I'm not sure... I haven't ever met one - but I hold out hope. I was looking at Bill Volckening's Facebook page yesterday and I'm thinking.... maybe? Could he be an undead? If not... he would make a good one, maybe I should google his address...